Pic story of shadow play artist in Shaanxi

sport2024-06-03 18:38:526

  Shadow play artist Cai Shancun makes a shadow puppet at home in Ducun Village of Yangxian County, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, Aug. 1, 2020. Cai Shancun is an inheritor of the shadow play in Shaanxi Province. Born into a family with generations of shadow play artists, he is good at singing and playing musical instruments, especially proficient in making shadow puppets. He founded a shadow play theater in Ducun Village of Yangxian County in 1979 and has been committed to the inheritance and development of the folk art for many years. Shadow play, also known as shadow puppetry, is a folk performing art originated in China. In Yangxian County, the shadow play artists pronounce, speak and sing in dialect, adding a distinctive local feature to the traditional Chinese folk art. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

Address of this article:http://dominica.soorot.com/article-85d599899.html


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